CNC Machining

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining uses computerised controls and machine tools to remove material from a workpiece to produce a custom-designed part or product.

Jack Green Engineering CNC Machining Services

CNC machin­ing is wide­ly used in var­i­ous indus­tries for its ver­sa­til­i­ty, pre­ci­sion, and efficiency. 

CNC machin­ing is a cru­cial tech­nol­o­gy in mod­ern man­u­fac­tur­ing, pro­vid­ing a flex­i­ble and pre­cise solu­tion for pro­duc­ing a wide range of com­po­nents across dif­fer­ent indus­tries, includ­ing aero­space, auto­mo­tive, elec­tron­ics, and med­ical devices.

Key Features

Computer Numerical Control (CNC):

  • CNC machining relies on computerised systems to control the movement and operation of machine tools.
  • CNC machines follow instructions from a pre-programmed computer-aided design (CAD) or computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) file, allowing for highly accurate and repeatable processes.
Types of CNC Machines:
  • Milling Machines: Used for cutting and shaping materials using rotating cutting tools.
  • Turning Machines (Lathes): Rotate the workpiece while cutting tools are applied to create cylindrical parts.
  • Drilling Machines: Used for creating holes in a workpiece.
  • Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM): Uses electrical discharges for precision cutting.
  • Water jet and Laser Cutting Machines: Utilise high-pressure water or lasers to cut through materials.
CNC Processes:
  • Our CNC machining processes include Milling, Tapping, Reaming and Jig boring.
Materials Used:
  • CNC machining can work with various materials, including metals (aluminium, steel, titanium), plastics, composites, etc.
  • The choice of material depends on the specific requirements of the end product.
Precision and Accuracy:
  • CNC machining offers high precision and accuracy, with the ability to produce complex geometries and tight tolerances.
  • The repeatability of CNC machines ensures consistent quality in mass production.
  • CNC machines are programmed from 3d cad files / DXF / Step formats.
Automation and Efficiency:
  • CNC machining is highly automated, reducing the need for manual intervention.
  • Automation improves efficiency, reduces labour costs, and allows for continuous production.
Prototyping and Production:
  • CNC machining is used for prototyping and large-scale production, making it a versatile manufacturing method.
  • It is suitable for producing one-off prototypes as well as high volumes of identical parts.
Tool Changes:
  • CNC machines can be equipped with tool changers that automatically switch between different cutting tools during machining.
  • This feature allows for the production of complex parts with multiple machining operations.
Quality Control:
  • CNC machining often includes built-in quality control processes, such as measuring tools and probes, to ensure the accuracy of the machined parts.
  • Depending on the requirements, CNC-machined parts may undergo post-processing steps such as surface finishing, heat treatment, or assembly.

Contact Us

For more information about our CNC Machining service:


01844 260 010


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